Press Room
Araya lab research featured in National and International news
The Gazette
February 2023
Ste-Justine Hospital study could revolutionize understanding of autism
The study finds people with fragile X syndrome have sensory signals coming from the external world are under-represented in the brain, the opposite of what they expected.
Radio Canada RCI
February 2023
Une étude québécoise pourrait chambouler notre compréhension de l’autisme
Il semblerait que certains signaux ne prennent pas suffisamment de place dans le cerveau des enfants qui présentent la forme la plus courante d'autisme, alors qu'on supposait jusqu'à maintenant qu'ils en prenaient trop.
Le Devoir
February 2023
Une découverte sur l’autisme qui pourrait tout chambouler
Une découverte réalisée par un chercheur du CHU Sainte-Justine pourrait venir complètement chambouler la compréhension qu’ont les experts de la forme la plus courante d’autisme.
La Presse
February 2023
Une découverte sur l’autisme qui pourrait tout chambouler
Une découverte réalisée par un chercheur du CHU Sainte-Justine pourrait venir complètement chambouler la compréhension qu’ont les experts de la forme la plus courante d’autisme.
Canadian Association for Neuroscience
February 2023
The CHU Sainte-Justine makes a giant step forward in understanding autism
The study was published on January 3 in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
UdeM Nouvelles
February 2023
Un pas de géant est franchi dans la compréhension de l’autisme
Des neuroscientifiques ont démontré que dans le syndrome de l'X fragile, la cause la plus fréquente de l’autisme, les signaux sensoriels du monde extérieur sont intégrés différemment.
UdeM News
February 2023
A giant step forward in understanding autism
Researchers at the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre show that in Fragile X syndrome, the most common cause of autism, sensory signals from the outside world are underrepresented
Press-release CHU Ste Justine
February 2023
Un pas de géant dans la compréhension de l’autisme réalisé au CHU Sainte-Justine
Cette découverte ouvre la porte à de nouvelles thérapies pour aider les personnes atteintes du syndrome de l’X fragile à percevoir correctement les signaux du monde extérieur
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
February 2023
A giant step forward in understanding autism
Peer-Reviewed Publication. UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL
Press-release CHU Ste Justine
February 2023
The CHU Sainte-Justine makes a giant step forward in understanding autism
This finding opens the door to new strategies to offer support to those with FXS and possibly other autism spectrum disorders to correctly perceive sensory signals from the outside world at the level of pyramidal neurons in the cortex.
February 2023
New Insigts into Understanding autism
The study revealed that sensory signals from the outside world are integrated differently in Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most prevalent cause of autism, resulting in them being underrepresented by cortical pyramidal neurons in the brain.
Medical Xpress
February 2023
Sensory signals are integrated differently, underrepresented by neurons in autism
In fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common cause of autism, sensory signals from the outside world are integrated differently, causing them to be underrepresented by cortical pyramidal neurons in the brain
Neuroscience News
February 2023
Sensory Signals Are Integrated Differently, Underrepresented by Neurons in Autism
Environmental sensory signals are integrated differently in those with Fragile X syndrome, causing them to be underrepresented by cortical pyramidal neurons.
Medical News
February 2023
Study reveals new clues to the underlying cause of FXS symptoms
In Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common cause of autism, sensory signals from the outside world are integrated differently, causing them to be underrepresented by cortical pyramidal neurons in the brain.
Health Reporter
February 2023
Study Reveals New Clues To The Underlying Cause Of FXS Symptoms
In Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common cause of autism, sensory signals from the outside world are integrated differently, causing them to be underrepresented by cortical pyramidal neurons in the brain.
Nature Group Journals
October 2020
A plasticity rule for spines
Here, researchers show that when inputs are clustered in space, the plasticity rule changes, favouring increases in synaptic strength.
Canadian Association for Neuroscience
September 2020
Unlocking the mysteries of the brain
Using advanced techniques in two-photon microscopy that mimic synaptic contacts between two neurons, the researchers discovered an important law related to the arrangement of information received by dendritic spines.
Rémi Quirion,
Chief Scientist of Québec
September 2020
Role of dendritic spines in the memory process (French version only)
Une meilleure compréhension de la fonction des épines dendritiques et de leurs effets sur les apprentissages et la mémoire nourrirait l’espoir de développer de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques notamment contre l’Alzheimer, les anomalies au niveau des épines dendritiques n’étant pas étrangères à ce type de démence.
Fragile X News Today
September 2020
Newly Discovered Mechanisms Controlling Memory, Learning Could Lead to Therapies
Using these techniques, they found that nerve cells perceive and store information differently, depending on the number and physical proximity of the inputs they receive.
Healthcare in Europe
August 2020
News • Memory formation
Unlocking the mysteries of the brain
A Canadian research team highlights the mechanisms underlying memory and learning capacity – specifically, how our brains process, store and integrate information.
El Periodico de Extremadura
August 2020
Un árbol de neuronas regula nuestros recuerdos
La memoria se procesa en un árbol de neuronas de la corteza cerebral que amplifican la información relevante y silencian la innecesaria mediante leyes que regulan lo que aprendemos o recordamos
LUN Chile
August 2020
Neurocientifico descubre como las neuronas almacenan recuerdos
"Describimos la minima unidad funcional de la memoria que despues nos servira para construir el edificio completo de nuestras memorias.
Technology Networks
August 2020
New Research Highlights the Mechanisms Underlying Memory and Learning Capacity
Researchers at CHU Sainte-Justine Hospital and Université de Montréal have made a major discovery in understanding the mechanisms underlying learning and memory formation.
UdeM Nouvelles
August 2020
Unlocking the mysteries of the brain
Until now, no one knew how synaptic inputs (incoming information) were arranged in the ‘neural tree’ and what precisely causes a dendritic spine to increase or decrease the strength, or loudness, of information it passes on
Medical Xpress
August 2020
Unlocking the mysteries of the brain
A research team highlights the mechanisms underlying memory and learning capacity—specifically, how our brains process, store and integrate information.
August 2020
¿Cómo se forma la memoria? Un chileno realiza un hallazgo fundamental
Entender el funcionamiento de la mente humana convoca a científicos e investigadores. Y descifrar interrogantes sobre cómo se forjan los recuerdos y funciona biológicamente la memoria es un desafío monumental.
UdeM Nouvelles
August 2020
Percer les mystères du traitement, du stockage et de l’intégration de l’information dans notre cerveau
Jusqu’à présent, personne ne savait comment l’information était agencée dans l’“arbre neuronal” et ce qui incitait précisément une épine dendritique à augmenter ou à baisser le volume de l’information